

Regular Events

Indoor rock climbing

The AUMC climbs regularly at the Vertical Reality Climbing gym at Holden Hill. Our climbing night is Tuesday evening, when VRC offers the reduced climbing rate of $12 for AUMC members who are full-time students. The AUMC has a limited number of harnesses and climbing shoes which all members may use on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is no spare gear, please do not use the UniSA Rock Climbing Club’s gear unless you are a member of that club too. Other than that, loose fitting clothes, shorts and good tight shoes, are all you need.

On your first visit to the gym, you will need to do an introductory course ($5) that will teach you about safety and basic skills. You must ring the gym in advance on (08) 8266 4090 to book in for a course. If the gym is busy and you have not booked, you may not be able to climb.

There are normally a number of other AUMC members climbing at the gym on this night, both experienced and new, so there should never be a problem finding people to climb with.

For more information please see Vertical Reality’s web site.